Real Estate Listing Website
Real Estate Listing Website

For your 50% Off use the Code ‘Realtor149’

Full Residential/Commercial Listing Websites for only $399.00, but act now and get them for only $149.00 each for a limited time! See one of our examples at


  • Domain name of your choice .com or .ca for one year
  • Full website with a high end content management system:
    • Design
    • Company header (can be done in flash)
    • Contact information
    • Copy of listing
    • Unlimited home page write up supplied by you
    • Photo Gallery with unlimited images supplied by you
    • Visitor contact info form for showings or other requests
    • Additional documents section as supplied by you
    • Unlimited changes for the 12 month period
    • Google map location page
    • Link back to your personal website
    • Free SOLD marked on the listing until 12 months expires
    • Full website traffic statistics that you can send to your Client
    • Site live with 48 hours of receiving all info required
    • While site is being built we will display a copy of the MLS listing

Realtor Requirements:

  • Send us a full copy of the listing
  • The address you want registered
  • Your front page write up
  • Your office info (once we create your initial banner and contact info they will used for other sites)
  • Your head shot (if required by you)
  • Photos labelled in folders you would like them displayed on the website
  • Any instructions outside the typical site we build
  • Notification when listing sold

Additional Site Examples:


“I love these websites because my Clients love them and because they save me time and money! I can show lots of photos and do a much better write up, plus if other agents need info such as a survey I just direct them to the website! They are much more cost effective than print ads and Clients love the additional marketing!” Tula Thomas Right at Home Real Estate.

“I use these listings for all of my commercial properties and it saves me loads of time and helps generate new leads!” Tony Slavin Right at Home Realty.

ORDER NOW for $149.00 using Code “Realtor149”

Original price was: $399.00.Current price is: $149.00.

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1 hour

Original price was: $100.00.Current price is: $80.00.

10 hours

Original price was: $800.00.Current price is: $300.00.

15 hours

Original price was: $1,200.00.Current price is: $675.00.

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